14. Frequently asked questions

14.1. What is DANA ?

Please have a look at ” Introduction ” section of the documentation.

14.2. What is the relation with brian ?

Dana is very similar to the Brian simulator which is dedicated to the simulation of spiking neural networks. In one hand, dana shares a set of common design concepts (vectorized computation, equations) but is far less mature. In the other hand, dana allows for the design of a broader class of model (image processing, cellular automata, computational neuroscience, etc.). In the future, it would be good for dana to be able to be merged within brian in order to offer a unified platform for the design of both spiking and mean field neural networks.

14.3. Are there any other tools available ?

Yes there are. And a lot.

Here is a very short list of such simulators and/or computing framework:

  • Emergent is a comprehensive, full-featured neural network simulator.
  • Topographica is a software package for computational modeling of neural maps
  • NEST is a simulation system for large networks of biologically realistic (spiking) neurons

If you want a more comprehensive list, please have a look at the comparison page of neural network simulators available form the Emergent page at the University of Colorado, Boulder.

14.4. Are there any GUI available for dana ?

No. To design a model, you have to write a script.

14.5. Differential equation does not update my variable

Let us consider the following code:

>>> y = 1
>>> eq = dana.DifferentialEquation('dy/dt = y')
>>> eq.evaluate(y, dt=0.1)
>>> print y

The reason the y variable is not updated is that you pass y as a parameter for the evaluate function and it is thus not updated in the main namespace. If you want to y to be updated, you will have to write:

>>> y = 1
>>> eq = dana.DifferentialEquation('dy/dt = y')
>>> y = eq.evaluate(y, dt=0.1)
>>> print y

14.6. Connection does not propagate to target

Let us consider the following code:

>>> S = np.ones((1,))
>>> T = np.zeros((1,))
>>> C = dana.DenseConnection(S,T,np.ones((1,))
>>> C.propagate()
>>> print T
[ 1. ]
>>> S = 2*np.ones((1,))  # Faulty line
>>> C.propagate()
>>> print T
[ 1. ]

While the first propagation hold the expected result, the second one does not work since you re-affect a new numpy array to the S variable while the connection source is still the old S. If you want to modify source, you would have to write:

>>> S = np.ones((1,))
>>> T = np.zeros((1,))
>>> C = dana.DenseConnection(S,T,np.ones((1,))
>>> C.propagate()
>>> print T
[ 1. ]
>>> S[...] = 2
>>> C.propagate()
>>> print T
[ 2. ]

14.7. Models and/or groups evaluation is not consistent

Let us consider the following example:

>>> G = dana.Group((1,3), 'dV/dt = 1; U = U+V')
>>> G[...] = (1,0)
>>> G.run(1,0.1)
>>> print G
[ 2.0  15.5 ]
>>> G[...] = (1,0)
>>> G.run(1,0.01)
>>> print G
[ 2.0  150.5 ]

The V field of G is a differential equation that explicitely depends on time while the U field is a simple equation that does not depend explicitely depends on time. However, it does implicitely depends on time since the equation is evaluated at each time step. In the first run, there are ten iterations (t/dt) while in the second run, there are 100 iterations. This is the reason why the results are different.